Top 10 Cloud Data Storage Myths
Cloud computing has certainly grown in recent years, but it still hasn’t reached its full potential. Some of that is based on a lack of innovation and external capabilities, but much is rooted in common misconceptions about what the cloud is and what it can do. Let’s clear the air and decipher what’s really in the cloud and what isn’t.
10 Cloud Myths
You could probably point out dozens of different myths and misconceptions related to cloud computing and data storage, but here are 10 we frequently dispel:
- Myth 1: Data is vulnerable. Because cloud computing involves external data storage, many believe it opens your company up to unnecessary vulnerability. The exact opposite is true. By using secure cloud storage, you can safeguard yourself against unnecessary data loss associated with potential disasters.
- Myth 2: Lack of control. From the outside looking in, for people who don’t understand how the cloud works, it appears to provide less ownership and control than standard physical computing and storage solutions. Cloud computing is completely owned by you. You can access your data, files and applications at any time, from anywhere.
- Myth 3: There’s no need for support. Because everything is automated in the cloud, many people wrongly believe they don’t need support. While it’s true cloud computing requires less ongoing maintenance, there is still a need for support service in certain situations.
A support service will help you get set up, learn how to use all relevant cloud applications, and ultimately use your system to the fullest. In the rare case a problem arises, a team of experts will be on the job in no time, allowing your company to go back to reaping the rewards.
- Myth 4: The cloud is costing people their jobs. Opponents of cloud computing frequently point out the cloud costs IT professionals their jobs. But instead of taking jobs, the cloud is actually creating them. The growth of cloud computing is predicted to create more than 13 million jobs worldwide in just the next few years.
- Myth 5: It’s difficult to transition to the cloud. Contrary to popular belief, migrating to the cloud is relatively easy and pain free. While it certainly requires some restructuring, future payoffs justify the upfront costs. According to Business Insider, 84 percent of CIOs have reported lower application costs since moving to the cloud. Odds are pretty good you will, too.
- Myth 6: I’m too small for the cloud. The beauty of the cloud? It is totally scalable and flexible. Small businesses that use cloud computing and data storage can unlock some of the same capabilities large corporations have access to.
- Myth 7: I’m too big for the cloud. The cloud is completely scalable. Thousands of large corporations use cloud computing and software on a daily basis.
- Myth 8: There is no turning back. Many companies are afraid they won’t like the cloud and will be unable to turn back after transitioning. While the odds you won’t like the cloud are low, switching back is not difficult or impossible.
- Myth 9: Cloud technology is a fad. Because cloud technology originally gained popularity with iTunes and digital music, some people wrongly believe it will be a short-lived fad. However, as a $150 billion industry with 300 percent growth over six years, calling it a fad is becoming increasingly more difficult.
- Myth 10: Cloud technology is expensive. Cloud technology certainly comes with a price tag, but the increase in productivity, security and accessibility outweighs the costs. It’s one of the most cost-effective solutions a company can pursue.
As the cloud increases in popularity, so does the Internet conversation around it. To truly understand the cloud and what it really is, make it a point to separate fact from fiction.
At Framework Communications, we can help your business sort out fact from fiction when it comes to the cloud. For more information on what the cloud can do for your business, contact us today!